There are so many people who want to write a book but have no idea how complicated the process is. So they do research online and try to find out for themselves is writing a book hard.
Writing a book is hard but can be manageable by having a plan you can follow. Establish and go through clear steps such as create a high-level story outline, write a detailed plan, and then write the first draft. Take each one at a time and allow plenty of time to do each properly before moving on.

The difficulties of writing a book
The difficulties that come with writing a book are seemingly endless, and the list only gets longer if you’re trying to write your first draft.
Coming up with an interesting idea is the first of many challenges. Then creating a coherent plot and turning this into a fully fleshed-out outline is another difficulty for many writers, especially newer writers.
Once you’ve finally finished planning out everything, putting it all down in a coherent series of events that leads to a neat and tidy ending can be extremely overwhelming, especially if you’re not used to writing much.
It doesn’t matter how long you leave your book to ferment in the back of your mind, once you get started, all the different facets of writing a book seem to hit you at once.
So many events need to happen throughout the course of writing your novel, so many words you need to string together in just the right way to communicate exactly what it is that you’re trying to say.
As if all of this wasn’t enough, the last thing you want to worry about is whether or not your book makes sense and is structured in a way that doesn’t confuse readers. So many steps are necessary to create a coherent and exciting story that it’s no wonder writer’s block is such a common ailment amongst authors and writers.
In the rest of this article, we’ll outline a few things that can be difficult and what you can do to make writing your first book less complicated.
How to make it easier
Getting overwhelmed is a common problem, and many try to tackle this by taking the steps one at a time.
By doing things like writing out an outline before you start your story, it can be much easier to make sure you’re moving in the right direction and not straying from your original goal.
Since both starting off on the right foot and maintaining your sanity are significant parts of what make writing a book difficult, making sure you have an outline can be extremely helpful.
By breaking up the novel into multiple smaller steps will make things much easier. Any difficult task can suddenly become manageable if broken down into small pieces.
Start by planning out each step in the writing process before you begin to write, as this not only does makes it easier to finish your book, but also makes it less likely that you’ll give up on your goals.
Tips for getting started with writing your first draft
The first significant achievement to aim for is to get through the idea, planning, outline and writing stages to complete your first draft.
Writing your first draft is difficult, so make it easier on yourself and don’t aim for perfection. Most first drafts are off in some way and if you try to make it perfect, it is likely that you’ll never complete your first draft.
It’s important to remember that a rough draft is just exactly what it sounds likes, so don’t beat yourself up if it’s not perfect.
Aim to have the first draft of your book finished within a 1-3 month time period. If you’re finding the process too difficult, try not to let it discourage you and just keep plugging away at it one day at a time, just writing a few paragraphs or a page a day.
It’s better to write a little than never getting around to writing your book at all. Even small pieces of writing are progress toward your goal.
While you’re writing your first draft, don’t bother with things like heavy editing or thorough grammar checking unless absolutely necessary because it can be extremely difficult to do this while trying to move forward with the story.
Don’t lose the flow once you are writing. Keep going and worry about those details once you get the first draft done and are editing.
Advice on how to avoid writer’s block and procrastination
Writer’s block and procrastination are the two most common things that stop people from finishing their book and they’re also the two things that people try to avoid most.
The important thing is to get started. Whatever you do, don’t wait around for inspiration or motivation. Waiting for these things to strike before writing makes it more likely that your book will never be finished.
Professional writers know that pushing yourself to write, even when you don’t feel like it, is the only thing that will get you to complete your book.
To help fight against writer’s block and procrastination, try creating a daily schedule to follow so that you know what tasks you should be doing and when. This can be extremely helpful in avoiding distractions and other things that tend to get in the way of writing.
Having an accountability partner will help keep you on track with your goals, especially if they know about your plans for publishing a book.
Don’t be afraid to ask for support when you need it most because the people close to you want you to succeed in everything you do.
Getting your writing to just another part of your daily routine is the best way to avoid writer’s block and procrastination in the first place.
Ways to stay motivated and keep going when you’re stuck
It can be a real slog when you do not know what to write, or you’re getting stuck with the same parts again and again.
If you are having a hard time staying motivated and it is stopping you from finishing your book, this might be an excellent time to take a break and come back to it later.
Sometimes taking a break and doing something completely different can help you but be careful not to let this become an excuse. It is easy to slip into a “tomorrow” way of thinking. Avoid it!
If you are getting stuck with one part in particular, try writing some of the other parts that might be easier or more fun to write.
There is no rule that you need to write the book in the same order a reader enjoys it.
Doing this will help the others parts come together and it will also keep your mind fresh on what’s going on in the book.
Remember that no writing is ever wasted. Everything you write, even if it’s just a few sentences, will help you with your story and aid you on the way to finishing your book.
If you are really stuck, try getting some writing prompts online. They are there to help with inspiration.
Writing prompts are worded in a certain way that will spark some writing ideas. All you have to do is finish the rest of the sentence with your own words.
This can be an effective way to overcome writer’s block and also it might inspire your future writing.
Don’t give up!
Dealing with self-doubt as a writer and tips for overcoming it
Self-doubt is a part of the job when it comes to being a writer. Sorry to have to tell you this. The good news is that this can be overcome.
The first step is to accept the fact that there will always be self-doubt, no matter how long you’ve been writing or what you have published before.
It’s essential to understand your feelings of self-doubt and it can also help to try some exercises for dealing with these feelings.
You can turn these feelings of self-doubt into something positive so you can use them to better your writing.
The next way to overcome self-doubt is by setting realistic goals for yourself.
Doubt can creep in if you have set too high a bar for yourself.
You can overcome this self-doubt by acknowledging your past successes and knowing that you have what it takes to do what you set out to do.
Reset your goal to something more reasonable and then achieve them. Ratchet up (slowly!) the goals as you meet them.
Next, remember that you do not need to suffer alone. Reach out to fellow writers in person or online.
Some writers groups are very supportive and it can be an important part of staying motivated.
It may even help to have someone looking over your book, especially if you are having a hard time seeing errors in your own work.
They have almost certainly been through the same issues as you so they can help you get through it and back on track.
Remember to take some time off from your book every once in a while.
Don’t let yourself go too long without doing anything, but don’t work nonstop either.
To stay motivated and focused throughout such a large project, you need to take breaks.
Now’s the time to push yourself forward and make some progress on those book-writing goals!
The importance of finding a community of supportive writers to connect with
Writing is a very solo activity so it is very important to find some community of other writers to connect with.
As a writer, you’ll experience a lot of doubts about your writing and being able to commiserate with someone else who writes is an excellent way to get past those feelings. So look for these supportive communities online or in person.
Remember that every writer is different and you should try to find someone whose writing style matches your own to get the most benefit for your time spent connecting with them.
Writers communities are filled with people who will support, inspire, teach, and challenge you!
Many towns have local writers groups where you can meet people and get involved in the writing community.
You may also be able to find a local writers group online, where they can help motivate and inspire you.
These groups are full of kind, generous people who just want to share their talent with the world!
Being part of a supportive writers community is very important to being a writer.
These communities can help immensely in all kinds of ways. Many members will be delighted to mentor you, read a draft, give you feedback, or help with your marketing.
Not to mention the encouragement you get from knowing that someone out there is rooting for you and believes in you!
Remember, writing a book does not have to be difficult and it’s important to find the people who will support and motivate you along the way.
Why it’s essential to have a writing schedule
Writing as and when the mood strikes you can lead to a lot of problems.
Writing whenever you feel like it will mean that the writing is often very variable in quality and not as good as it could be if you wrote more often.
If you want to write a book, it’s important to set up a schedule and write on a consistent schedule to get the best results.
Writing regularly will help you maintain a certain “writing form” level that will be easier to improve upon than just going whenever the inspiration hits.
You’ll have a more focused approach if your writing time is limited to a specific amount each day and you’ll find that the book actually gets done.
Like anything, writing a novel takes consistent work.
Remember that you don’t have to do a huge amount of hours each day, especially if you are also working full time, but just try dedicating at least an hour every day to writing then you’ll be able to see results.
With a little preparation to create a detailed plan of action, you can take what is a very hard process for a new writer, and make it into something that is very manageable.
Break difficult tasks down into small steps and working on each one will seem much more achievable.
Planning is key to beat a hard task.
How have you done on your book? Le us know in the comments below.